Our Services

What we Do Best


While we specialise in many fields in the Logistics sector, finding solutions to our clients needs is one of our greatest assets


We Can Do it All

Given our years of experience, Emhlabeni Jikelele Logistics is able to assist companies with full house distribution solutions tailored to the Client’s business needs. Our skilled and dedicated team at EJL are able to meet Clients needs by providing full in house service solutions.
We have worked with clients and suppliers from all over the industry.
In many instances our collaboration with other companies in the industry adds diversity and a huge advantage to new clients who partner with us.

Long Term Vehicle Rental

Allow us to assist with any and all long term vehicle rental contracts.



Supply of staff
on short- and long-term
contracts –
drivers & crew

Distribution & Warehousing

Full in-house Distribution &

Rental & Purchasing

Rental & Purchasing of all types of trailers
See gallery below

To suit your needs

To buy or to rent


With years of experience our team has dealt with many companies in South Africa

From Our Founder


After many years of passion and a lot of heart in the industry, I have taken full advantage of these relationships and my experience of connecting people and businesses.

With extensive knowledge in the trucking and rental industry, I am able to find opportunities by listening to the client’s needs and evaluating same. Having seen a massive gap in the industry between the services that were on offer to what business in South Africa needed. EJL is a company on the MOVE
